Select Tweet

Select the tweet from which you want to download the videos, GIFs, or images.

  • From the sharing menu, select the Copy link to Tweet entry.
  • Browse the tweet and copy the browser address.
  • Right-click on the video or the GIF and select the Copy Address option.

Download Media

Media Attachments

When the tweet has multiple attachments, select which one to download.

Note that when all files are downloaded in a zip, the default format and resolution are automatically selected.

Download As

Select in which format to download the video. Note that all Twitter videos and GIFs are hosted as MP4 files.

When downloading in the GIF format, the Show GIF conversion options let you customize how the video frames are captured and converted into an animated GIF.

Select in which format to download the image. The original format from Twitter is selected by default.

Video Resolution

When Twitter hosts multiple variants of the video, select which resolution to download. The largest video resolution is selected by default.


How to download videos, GIFs, and images from Twitter?

  • Find and paste the link to the tweet in the Tweet Link field, then click the button.
  • Select which file to download from the Media Attachments section, then click the Download button to download the file. Repeat the operation for each file.
  • Alternatively, retrieve all the attached media with the Download all in a zip option. Click the Download button to save the zip.

How to save a Twitter GIF as an animated GIF?

  • From the Download Video As menu, select the GIF option.
  • (Optional) To customize the conversion settings, click the Show GIF conversion options and configure settings in the Capture Video Frames and Make GIF sections.
  • Click the Download button to convert and save the video in GIF format.

To save the GIF as a WEBP or PNG animation, check the RedKetchup - GIF Converter.

How to find the link to the tweet?

The link to a tweet can be found in one of the following ways:

  • From the tweet "Share" menu.
  • From the browser address bar (after opening the tweet containing videos, images, or GIFs).
  • Right-click on the video or the GIF and select the "Copy Address" entry.
  • From the "Embed Tweet" option.

A valid tweet link should contain a series of at least 10 numbers, here's an example of a valid link: